About Us

Tiobe Health is a team of clinicians, scientists, and engineers giving every cancer patient access to expert knowledge and information, quickly and easily.

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Cancer is a global crisis

1 in 2 of us will experience cancer in our lifetime. A large number of those impacted will survive, but everyone affected will want access to expert knowledge and information to ensure people are able to make informed decisions about their options, treatment or care.

But where do people start? The volume, breadth and complexity of cancer information alone is overwhelming. People are frequently confronted by complex, dense and non-specific information at key moments when they need it most.

Digital solutions for navigating cancer are outdated, organisations are competing for attention and as many as 1 in 3 articles online are believed to be misinformation. People face a fragmented landscape, making it hard to know which way to turn, the questions to ask and who to trust.

People are getting lost, disheartened and lied to when they are at their most vulnerable, while inequalities in cancer care are being amplified. The health care and tech sectors, rarely come together to deliver better navigation for people's cancer journeys, but now is the time for change.

There needs to be a better way of doing things. A way that can transform cancer outcomes globally, giving everybody access to expert knowledge and information, quickly and easily. A way where people can feel empowered and better equipped to tackle their cancer journey. A personalized cancer service.


Our Solution

Tiobe Health is the solution to a fragmented, inefficient and broke system.

It is a game-changing, personalized cancer services. We bring organisations, the latest technology and leading experts together to better equip everyone impacted by cancer. We present a trusted information for the various stages of cancer available to everyone, quickly and easily. We connect people to information, products and services they can trust from across the public, private and non-profit sectors, whether it's those curious about prevention, or someone affected by or diagnosed with cancer, their loved ones or a professional looking for the latest information.

We take the fragmented landscape - organisations competing for attention and an overload of often complex, dense and non-specific information - and streamline it, weeding out misinformation and offering hope.

The vision, strategy and design of Tiobe Health is deeply informed by people who need it, by those with lived and professional experience of the problems navigating cancer. Our aim, one we have absolute confidence in achieving, is to save and improve the quality of life for millions of people across the world impacted by cancer.

Our Mission

Our mission is to transform cancer outcomes globally, giving everybody access to expert knowledge and information, quickly and easily.

Our Vision

Our vision is to save and improve the quality of life for millions of people across the world impacted by cancer.